Shlomi Moto Wagner

Performance Artist, Opera Singer, Actor, Composer, Designer, Producer and Dance-Music-Theatre Maker.

March 15 , 2025: Purimspiel, Münchner Kammerspiele, Munich, Germany | February 7-9 , 2025: Daniel’s Destruction, Sophiensaele, Berlin, Germany | November 28 , 2024: Ratschlag Der Vielen, Akademie Der Künste, Berlin, Germany | November 5 , 2024: Dramaqueer (All Gender), Haus Der Statistik, Berlin, Germany | October 31 , 2024: Live mit Flamboi*, Theatermuseum, Düsseldort, Germany | October 3-6, 2024: SALVATION (Glitter Doesn’t Care I’m a Boy), English Theatre Berlin, Germany | August 13-25, 2024: Queens, Fringe Festival Edinburgh | July 12, 2024: Naked Voices, Stretch Festival, Berlin | June 21, 2024: Die Kunst Viele zu Bleiben, Sophiensæle, Chamäleon Theater, Berlin | October 11, 2023: SALVATION, Queer Magic Festival, Israel | October 6, 2023: Social Muscle Club, Uferstudios – Heizhaus, Berlin, Germany | June 22, 2023: Illimité, Staatstheater Kassel, Germany | May 13, 2023: SALVATION (Glitter Doesn’t Care I’m a Boy), Chemnitz, Germany | ָApril 14-15, 2023: Drag & Drum, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin | March 7, 2023: SALVATION – the dance floor remix, Karneval de Purim, KitKat club, Berlin | February 10-12: Queens, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin | January 20, 2023: Pork by Anali Goldberg, HaMeretz 2, Tel Aviv | December 24, 2022: The Hero in You, Guest Talk at McKinzey Connect event – Factory, Berlin, Germany | November 17, 2022: Social Muscle Club, Uferstudios – Heizhaus, Berlin, Germany | November 2-4, 2022: SALVATION (Glitter Doesn’t Care I’m a Boy), English Theatre Berlin, Germany | September 30, 2022: Social Muscle Club, Uferstudios – Studio 1, Berlin, Germany | September 23-25, 2022: Liebestod, Staatsoper Stuttgart (Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart), Germany | October 05, 2022: Mazy Mazeltov at Tell Mama show with Judy LaDivina, Bar zum Schmutzigen Hobby, Berlin Germany




Interdisciplinary Performance Artist and Director, Opera Singer, Songwriter, Actor, and Drag Queen a.k.a Mazy Mazeltov.
Born in Israel, studied at Tel Aviv Music Academy and Manhattan School of Music in NY and studied towards an MA in Interdisciplinary Arts. As an opera singer* Shlomi was a member of the Opera Studio of the Israeli Opera and sang as a soloist with orchestras worldwide. Since moving to Berlin in 2012, Shlomi worked with various opera ensembles and experimental theater makers, including Philine Rinnert and Johannes Müller, and has performed at venues including the Sophiensaele, HAU, Ballhaus Ost and English Theater in Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, the Staatsoper and Theater Rampe in Stuttgart, the Operadagen festival in Rotterdam, Burg Hülshoff in Münster and at the Favoriten festival in Dortmund. Founder of the House of Mazeltov, a drag performance group researching the performative aspects of the voice, gender, tradition, and identity. In 2017 they premiered their first solo performance “Salvation (Glitter Doesn’t Care ‘m a Boy)” in Berlin. In late 2021 he premiered their newest musical performance and installation: “ADAMA: Secret Life of Stones”.


Shlomi moto Wagner ist Interdisziplinärer Performer*, Opernsänger*, Songwriter* und Drag-Queen aka. Mazy Mazeltov. Wurde in Israel geboren, studierte an der Tel Aviv Music Academy und an der Manhattan School of Music in NY und erhielt den MA in Interdisciplinary Arts. Als Opernsänger* war Shlomi Mitglied des Opernstudios der Israeli Opera und Sang als Solist mit Orchestern weltweit. Seit seine*m Umzug nach Berlin im Jahr 2012 arbeitet mit sie verschiedenen Opern-Ensembles und experimentellen Theatermacher*innen, u.a. mit Philine Rinnert und Johannes Müller Und ist zu sehen unter anderem in den Sophiensaelen, HAU und English Theater in Berlin, am Kampnagel Hamburg, die Staatsoper und Theater Rampe in Stuttgart, die Operadagen festival in Rotterdam, der Burg Hülshoff in Münster und auf den Festivals Favoriten in Dortmund. Gründerin des House of Mazeltov, einer Drag-PerformanceGruppe, mit der er die performativen Grenzen von Stimme, Geschlecht, Tradition und Identität untersucht. Im Rahmenprogramm des Performing Arts Festival Berlin 2017 war seine Performance “Salvation (Glitter doesn’t care I’m a boy)” zu sehen und hat kürzlich eine neue Performance unter dem Titel “ADAMA: secret life of stones” uraufgeführt.


Performance reel:

More info material and documentation for each project is available in the section below.

A wishful musical video and an interview:

Youtube Playlist:

Music from ADAMA:

Music from SALVATION:



  • 16 March 2024, Akademie Der Künste, Berlin, Germany A project by „Unbestimmten Bewegung“ Regie und Video: Yannik Böhmer Textgrundlage: Nicolaas van Diepen [...]

  • 22 June 2023, Staatstheater Kassel, Germany Musiktehater - Ein diskursiv-performativer Musikabend Vincent König: Konzeption und Moderation Teresa Martin: Dramaturgie Mit: Kordula Knaus: Musikwissenschaftlerin Katia [...]

  • 14-15 April 2023, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin Horwitz|Shapiro|Wagner   Horwitz|Shapiro|Wagner investigate, rewrite and transform Jewish and queer rituals and create a sound space [...]

  • 10-12 February 2023, Ballhaus Ost, Berlin In »Queens« the historical figures Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I are two washed-up, undead drag queens. [...]

  • ***NEW DATES ANNOUNCED***October3-6, 2024 - English Theatre BerlinTickets Created and performed by Shlomi Moto Wagner Premiere: 16. June 2017, Alte Münze, Performing [...]

  • Musical Theatre Performance and Installation | 35-70 minutes | Hebrew, English, German PREMIERE: 01.09.2021, Westopia – Festival Für Eine Mehrsprachige Literatur Der [...]

  • 07 – 10.07.2022 / Music Installation Festival / ZBau in Nuremberg DREAMS* is a collaboration between Heinrich Horwitz, Sonja Lena Schmid, Jonathan [...]

  •   Moderation: Shlomi Moto Wagner Am 25. Mai 2022 verlieh der Fonds Darstellende Künste zum 13. Mal den Tabori Preis, die bundesweit höchste Auszeichnung [...]

  • Johannes Müller, Philine Rinnert 17. May 2019 Operadagen Festival, Rotterdam 14. Juni 2017 Sophiensaele, Berlin 30. September 2016 FESTIVAL FAVORITEN, Dortmund 12. [...]

  • Premiere: 12th January 2022, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, Gent. | 23th – 25th September 2022, Staatsoper Stuttgart. In the opera Tristan und Isolde by [...]

  • Film by Johannes Müller / Philine Rinnert co production with Sophiensaele, Berlin, 2020 As a musical-performative silent film theater, Johannes Müller/Philine Rinnert [...]

  • März 2020, Staatsoper Stuttgart, World premiere The second part of the Orpheus Institute series looks behind the scenes of physical voice production: How [...]

  • 27-28.June 2021, Porgy & Bess, Vienna, Austria 21. July 2021, Galicia Jewish Museum, Krakow, Poland 28.October 2021, Synagoge Hagen, Germany In 1927 the [...]

  • 2022-2023, Uferstudios / Heizhaus, Berlin Social Muscle Club is a group of international artists who have been working together in different forms [...]

  • Aids Follies / Müller, Rinnert, Von Lillienstern 24./25./26./27. Mai 2018, Sophiensaele Berlin. Weitere Aufführungen: brut Wien (2020), Theater Rampe Stuttgart (2019) Einer [...]

  • 05./06./07./08. April 2019, Sophiensaele Berlin. "How do you create a new cultural home for yourself as a displaced refugee? What do you [...]

  • 21th June 2019, HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin, World premiere WARNUNG (lipsync for two voices) was part of the festival The Present [...]

  • The land of Milk(y) and Honey / Directed by Daniel Brunet 14. October 2018 (Premiere). More shows: Nov. Dec. 2018, Jan. Feb. [...]

  • 2016, DCP, 25 fps, 1:1.78, Dolby digital 5.1, 17:10 min, FarbeFilmuniversität Potsdam Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF"A sensitive portrait of a young opera baritone from [...]

  • Gerhild Steinbuch/Johannes Müller/Philine Rinnert 30. November./ 1. /2. und 17. Dezember 2017 Im Rahmen von Copy&Waste “Copyshop of Horror”, Berlin In MEAN [...]

  • Don Giovanni / W.A.Mozart 13. /14. /15. October 2017, The Berlin Opera Group Ensemble, Pfefferberg Theater Berlin. REGIE, KONZEPT Kelsey Boesche MUSIKALISCHE [...]


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